Thursday, August 19, 2010

-Bundle of Joy-

Name :‎​Shammasii
Baby Name: Maktoum
Baby Age : 8 weeks
1) How do you describe your experience as a first time mother?
It is a wonderful experience and woman's life cannot complete if she has not been through this lovely phase. Seeing your bundle of joy between ur arms is a really touchy moment which I cannot forget at all.

2) What is the most challenging situation youve faced so far ?

I would say the most challenging situation I faced so far rather then delivery would be the nine-month journey I went through from a transformation and the phases and the 3 completly different trimesters..

3) Is there any advice you would like to share with newly mothers ?

The advice I would really like to share it with a newly mothers would be " relaaaaax and have naps as much as you can , and be positive of yourself at all times it will be difficult at first but you'll handle it in no time ,don't forget also to educate yourself in this subject, you will thank your self later.