Monday, March 22, 2010


Iv received this and I wanted to share with u readers , its really upseting :
*as sent :
​Dear friends and fans,
Thank you all for your constant support and forever being behind me throughout my business ventures. I am writing this letter to clarify a few things that have been bothering me and seem to have taken its toll on a very ill and dis-respective scale and manner, and what better way to approach this issue than to write an open letter.
Today i have become a victim from an unknown hater who has been stalking me and all my friends via cyberspace and the real world, this person ( or her/his nick on face book "latifa binto") has been contacting my friends, fans and clients saying that i have been talking behind their backs and making up stories that are clearly untrue.
If this person has so much against me, why won't this person approach me and discuss this with me?
 I honestly do not know where this is coming from, as i personally do not have the time or energy to be doing any of this with my extremely busy lifestyle being a business woman and a prominent figure in the Middle East. It's clear this person has nothing better to do than try in a retarded and unsuccessful way to tarnish my image, I feel sorry for this person as they clearly are mentally disturbed with little or no life to live up to.
I would to take the opportunity to apologise to you all had this person gotten in touch with you for their misdemeanour and i would like to please remind you all that if this person does get in touch with anyone of  you again to please ignore them and do not take it further. If the issue bothers you, please get in touch with me.
I would be grateful if we can all put a stop to this immature behavior once an for all. If anyone of you has a way, please do advise as i would like to have justice serve its purpose. If you would like to share any thin to assist me in this matter do not hesitate to contact me on
Thank you all again for taking the time to read this open letter.

With regards,
Hind Beljafla
I don't know the local designer behind the Famouse abaya house DAS personally, but am a huge fan of DAS ! And it honestly bothers me to see people in this case a lifeless girl says something mean and spread rumors about hind ! I like to call those type of girls " society germs " they find happiness while giving people a hard time , so my advice will be to every fan of DAS and Hind as public figure ignore those false msgs /rumors this latifa binto is spreading and don't reply back !! Ur loyalty should be with her and her amazing work as a designer !!! I must mention her appearance on Hello magazine this week is stunning Mashallah , her abaya is a piece of art !! Keep up the great work !!

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